Tag: reveals

Where is Your Ancestor-chi?

  Where is your Ancestor Chi-energy? I have discussed chi-energy previously and as you know, it can be found in many forms. Ancestor-chi is passed along via the blood lines that connect you with your direct ancestors. My dad’s working career was a Newspaper Ad-man. He did the ‘copy’ for all the ads and special features that ran in the newspapers back in Ontario.  He came from a bloodline of serious artists. When retired, he turned his attention to paintings…

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You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?

Five elements TAKE THE QUIZ NOW


Doing a live interview could create a sense of disconnection when I can’t see the other person. – Chatting with Kathryn however, was the exact opposite. Her interesting comments and questions had me thinking on my feet and I thoroughly enjoyed the dialogue. I love that she adds intriguing bits of feng shui wisdom that tie into the topic and open a whole new avenue of discussion. She stays true to her focus of providing Practical Solutions even when dealing with more esoteric subjects.

Wendy Terriff
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Feng Shui 5 Elements

You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!

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