
John Waters

I have a few more questions (after the Home Harmony visit) about things but I’ll start off with an update. I am feeling very good and my space feels very good and fresh as well. I am loving the new layout with my desk and I just got rid of one of my chairs yesterday. The new spaces for the art feels right. I’ve decluttered the area behind my desk, and I’ve made a few beautiful little touch-ups in my bedroom to hopefully attract some more wealth! No further on the job search because I’m just simply enjoying my free time, ha ha. But I will get there eventually I have no doubt of that. I really appreciated you coming over and all the wisdom and creativity that you shared with me and my apartment. I feel very ready to usher in the change of the summer and I am very excited about that!

Thank you.

John WatersVancouver
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You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?

Five elements TAKE THE QUIZ NOW


I have had the pleasure of working with Kathryn for almost a decade, and have always enjoyed her warm and thoughtful manner. Over the years she has generously offered a few excellent tips and ideas for my office, so when I decided I wanted to make some changes in my personal life, I asked Kathryn to come to my home for a Feng Shui Consultation.

During our initial conversation about my areas of focus, she immediately came up with a number of easy and immediate changes to support those areas. One … Read more

Jen Wasmund
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Feng Shui 5 Elements

You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!

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