Can You Transform Your Home into A Place to LOVE? 

You can DO THIS!

Each person needs a place to sit down that is calm and supportive. Is this possible?

Do you want less stress and more harmony in the home? Are you craving change these days? Many people feel stuck and unable to find their way out! (Things were fine, and then, distractions and drama stepped in.) Let’s set yourself up for success every single day!
– Time to get excited about living -again!

Be your Personal Best in only a few days: reframe-reboot-revive!

People usually have a crisis, or a catalyst before they call for help. Sometimes, it is worry about a milestone birthday; other times, it is more specific such as relationships, money or health.

Our home is a mirror of ourselves. As we grow our homes need to evolve right alongside us.!!!

The old saying: A messy mind is responsible for a messy place.

No matter what the universe throws at us, we NEED the skills to weather the storms ahead.

Change begins from the inside out! Here’s a little sample about what you can learn:



You can learn to thrive by designing a wonderful environment to support YOU! Like many others, often, we need coping skills to thrive in an unbalanced world of uncertainty. Together we can tackle anxiety and stress by first looking at what’s most important.


Monica Gonzalez Hightower

-reported she found a diary from her mom hidden away. 

Susan Crutcher

-reconnected with her favorite Xmas socks!

Lyn Roe

The clean up is going very well and my husband has started to help me!

This is so easy when you tell us how to do this.

My closets are so much better and I have more energy. Only day 3 so far.

-Several people reported that their hubby started to pitch in! 

~Anything amazing can happen in your space if you take the time to LOOK! What FUN!



YES: I Want to Love My Home!

CLICK HERE FOR QUICK CHECKOUT– Be patient, please; these links can be tricky!

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***Need more info? Email me directly or book a chat to ask!
contact:   book a chat:

One thing I’ll ask on your first lesson is:

Which 3 things about your home/life would you like to address/change?

What’s going on in your space?

Feng Shui has two components: One, that deals with the visuals (we are visual people). We straighten things, clean things to find function & flow. And second, look at the energy patterns and messages you send yourself (things you can’t see so much– you can feel these.)

With these insights, you CAN shift your life. Figure out what works: what are the cryptic messages we send ourselves? This will help you move onto a smoother path and Love Your Life again. -I know that Feng Shui has saved my marriage over the years!

I’ve been there. If the ‘vibration’ isn’t quite right, life can be unhappy. At one time, I was living in a big city with all the amenities around me, but I wasn’t thriving! I didn’t belong in a large city; it seemed to take forever to plan what was right for me!

Take care of yourself first: Someone needs to be in charge. Therefore, you need to step up and accept the roll. Where are your supports? Using Feng Shui, we can find them in tangible pleasures, surrounding ourselves colourful plants, supportive images and colour therapy. (Things that make you smile!) And then, dive deeper. Discovering the cryptic messages we send ourselves can reveal how we can either support or sabotage our efforts.

Make a plan: Over the eight lessons, we’ll move through your home into all Nine Areas of Life! Nine? Yes, indeed. Please don’t stress about this! By choosing to work through only two or three areas at this time, the transformation continues and easily spills into the rest! Is it time to take a bold move and step into the next year with a positive note? Embracing a Feng Shui into your home can be a whole new lifestyle change for you!

Here’s how it works!

We’ll meet Thursdays at 1pm* on Zoom to review the week’s lesson. You’ll be able to ask questions to me personally, see what other’s are doing and view the lesson presentation on power-point -bonus tips. This will all allow you time to  progress forward with the key areas you wish to address. 

I’ll send you a small PDF Booklet early in the week. You can do this ‘Self Study’ on your own time. Each lesson will include at least one key theory component and one ‘Area of Life’ to address. Plan for 10 -30 minutes for each lesson: locate the ‘area’ and consider any changes that may be required to address your needs.

** If you cannot join us for Thursday time slot, look for the REPLAY in your email box. You may send your questions through email directly to me.

By the time you get finished:

** You’ll be sleeping easier.

** You’ll be functioning with less stress; learning to thrive.

** You’ll be able to figure out what YOU need as supports for you!

** You’ll have at least 2 areas-of-life in top function & flow.

** You’ll find that family dynamics will have less drama and more cooperation.

** You’ll also be happy to invite people over to see the changes.

** You’ll have a plan and a system to fall back to if/when things start to spin out of control.

** Imagine that you’ll be able to Love Your Home -Again!

NEXT CLASS BEGINS SOON: Inquire about dates:

~I promise, I’ll be with you every step of the way, Kathryn

YES, YES: Make the Shift & Love My Home- again

~ ONLY $497.00* ~

Buy now

-In 8 lessons + 8 presentations, you’ll be a whole new YOU! 

*This fall ends the Beta-launch pricing before full publicity & expansion @ $497.

GET STARTED TODAY to get best value with

the live group Q & A.

*** NEXT Class begins soon! 

Most of the people doing this challenge report Amazing results in the first week! If you read through each task calmly, with the intention to make things better, everything will begin to flow with harmony and purpose.


If your house feels like chaos and you’re unhappy,

let’s get your space working for you!   – Kathryn  

READY? Sign up and PAY HERE. Let’s get started! 

If, Square is not responding, I appreciate you let me know. please contact me directly:

I’ve had so much fun in my careers: First a Decorator, Home Stager and now embracing Feng Shui into a beautiful lifestyle. It’s much easier to explain all these fun, amazing things in your space if we can have a chat. I can answer all your questions and help design a specific energy-shift for you!

  • As a decorator, I use feng shui to find function & Flow, reduce stress and find better balance by reframing or addressing the needs of everyone in the home.
  • As a confidant, and lifestyle coach, I can honestly tell you that feng shui definitely helped my marriage and helped me to focus on what is really important in life.

“I feel better about myself, so I can help you so much more. You’ll love how feng shui can work for you! ” Kathryn

Still have questions? Book a call with me to plan the next step for your home. It all starts with a conversation. Warmth, Kathryn

YES! THE Fast-Forward-accelerated version is available NOW! Book a virtual chat here:   

Or, send me a note:  


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You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Are you a Wood, a Fire, an Earth, a Metal or a Water element?

Five elements TAKE THE QUIZ NOW


Dear Kathryn, I just wanted to say, thank you SO much for having me on your podcast and allowing me to share my story with your listeners. It was so much fun chatting with you!

I really appreciate your time and effort in putting together such a fantastic show. You make me feel so comfortable and your questions were awesome!

Thanks again for the opportunity. I hope to stay connected-you rock!

Coach Annie Delray, USA

Coach Annie
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Feng Shui 5 Elements

You have a Distinct Element Style from all the rest!

Find out how this advantage can work for you. Take my quiz to find out more!

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